The Real Applications workshop allows your organization to apply Real Colors in exciting new ways. Participants discover at how a person’s Secondary Color affects their overall personality style, how Real Colors concepts help each team member connect with your organization’s mission, and how Real Colors offers a framework to navigate difficult conversations.

Ideal Group Size: 15-20 participants

Approximate Workshop Time: 4 hours. This can be done in one workshop session, or the activities can be broken up over the course of multiple, shorter sessions.

Participants will learn to:

  1. Apply Real Colors concepts in future communication.
  2. Examine how people with different temperaments listen, understand and respond to verbal communication.
  3. Look at how your secondary color influences your overall personality style.
  4. Discover approaches that match your personal temperament strengths to further your organization’s mission and values.
  5. Begin using Real Colors to successfully navigate difficult conversations.

Activities Include:

  • The Often Forgotten Second Color – Participants will explore the impact an individual’s Secondary Color has on their overall temperament.
  • Integration of Real Colors Concepts into Organizational Mission – Whether it is an organizational or personal mission, an individual’s temperament allows them to further this mission, based on their strengths.
  • Difficult Conversations – Participants will practice difficult conversations that when Real Colors concepts are applied, suddenly aren’t so difficult anymore!
  • So What Should We Do Now? – This strong closing activity ties the workshop learning together by focusing on listening skills, developing win-win solutions, and considering the perspectives of others.

Additional Resources Included:

  • What to Say and Do By Color: A Resource
  • Real Colors Detective
  • Applying What You’ve Learned
  • How Would You Respond?
  • How Colors Speak
  • Clues to Identifying Colors
  • Real Colors Pointers
  • Real Colors and Customer Service
  • Lights, Cameras, Action!