For Teachers: Painting a Vibrant Classroom with Real Colors® Teachers, you're the unsung heroes of the back-to-school season. As you prepare to welcome a new group of students, y... Continue Reading →
For Students: Coloring Your Way to a Successful School Year Hey there, students! Are you feeling that mix of excitement and butterflies as the new school year approaches? New te... Continue Reading →
For Parents: Coloring Your Child’s Back-to-School Experience As a parent, you're probably feeling a mix of emotions right now. Excitement for your child's growth, perhaps a touch... Continue Reading →
Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter in the Workplace Diversity and inclusion have become an important cornerstone of discussion not only across communities but within the... Continue Reading →
Keeping the Team Together in a Hybrid Workplace Remote work isn’t a new concept, but in the last year it has become a reality on a much larger scale. Many companies ... Continue Reading →
Strategies for Healthy Team Dynamics All successful business leaders surely recognize that their company’s success depends on the dynamic of the individua... Continue Reading →
Real Colors Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic By Karen Schumacher Karen is a Real Colors® Master Facilitator and owner of Crescendo Leadership Development where... Continue Reading →
Using Personality Assessments in Your Business Business leaders should not shy away from using personality assessments as a tool for leadership. Instruments like th... Continue Reading →
Create Meaningful Conflict to Increase Productivity and Improve Relationships More often than not, conflict is described as something to avoid or at least resolve quickly in the workplace. Confli... Continue Reading →
How Communication Training Can Help Your Career For anyone, hearing someone state that strong communications skills are essential to success is not likely to present... Continue Reading →
Different Applications for Personality Assessments Since the Industrial Revolution many workplace theories have treated human beings as interchangeable units. Processes... Continue Reading →
Morale is the Secret Ingredient to Increasing Employee Engagement Creating and sustaining employee engagement at your corporation is essential to reducing high turnover rates, keeping... Continue Reading →