Real Colors® is regularly used by a variety of industries across the nation, demonstrating the fact that Real Colors is applicable to any type of work environment, group, or organization.
Take a look at some of the areas we commonly serve, and see how Real Colors can work for you!
In an ideal workplace, leaders are visionaries who inspire their staff to do their best, and to recognize and appreciate each team member. The staff works together without conflict to achieve common goals. People recognize and respect each other’s strengths, support each other and enjoy coming to work.
With us as your training partner, these ideals can become your company’s reality. We help companies build on their strengths to reach new levels of success!
Real Colors is a training tool you can use to reach a variety of your clients, helping them to meet new levels of success in their businesses and organizations. As a fun and useful workshop, many consultants find that Real Colors becomes one of their most requested services.
The people development applications for Real Colors in any industry are endless, making Real Colors a workshop that is in demand!
The Cooperative Extension Service throughout the United States provides a great variety of needed services to the community. Whether serving youth or adults, extensions work in disciplines such as family and consumer sciences, 4H and youth development, community and economic development, wellness and nutrition, agriculture, etc.
Real Colors is a tool that can apply to any group of people, regardless of the discipline in which they participate. Whether Real Colors is provided on campus or out in the community, the skills it provides can help groups communicate more effectively and work together to achieve common goals. All participants can learn to recognize, respect and value each other’s strengths and be supportive of one another.
The world of education has changed dramatically since the establishment of the traditional K-12 and university structures. Reaching today’s students and keeping their interest is more challenging than ever before.
Since 1981, we have earned a solid reputation as a leader in the training of educators, school counselors, and administrators in public and private schools.
Real Colors offers essential tools for educators that can help them meet challenges, and achieve new levels of success with students, parents and coworkers. With Real Colors, you can discover exciting new ways to inspire and motivate students, find out how to adapt to distinctive learning styles and much more!
Whether on a local, state or federal level, budgetary constraints and increasing workloads create a unique set of challenges for the staff and management of government agencies and institutions.
Since 1981, we have earned a solid reputation as a leader in staff development training for government departments, agencies and institutions of all types. As your training partner, we can help you revitalize and refocus your workplace!
Imagine a workplace where leaders are visionaries who inspire their staff to do their best, and recognize and appreciate each team member. A collaborative environment where staff work together without conflict to achieve common goals, and people recognize and respect each other’s strengths, support each other and enjoy coming to work. With Real Colors, these ideals can become your organization’s reality.
Operating in a non-profit arena can be very fulfilling and very demanding. Non-profit organizations operate under strict guidelines and too-tight budgets. Paid staff and management will often be working alongside volunteers, creating a unique set of challenges in the workplace.
With Real Colors, your organization’s leaders can learn to inspire and motivate staff members and volunteers, and to appreciate their distinctive skill sets. Staff members can learn to communicate more effectively and work together to achieve common goals. All participants can learn to recognize, respect and value each other’s strengths and be supportive of one another.
Providing the foundation for communication and career development:
Real Colors® can offer great insight to individuals in different stages of their professional lives—from those who are still deciding on a career path to those who have worked in their dream job for over 40 years.
Real Colors can be used at these various stages:
1. You are unclear about what type of work you would like to do
By completing the Real Colors Instrument and attending a workshop conducted by a certified Real Colors facilitator, you will gain knowledge of your Color Spectrum, which can guide you to careers you may be suited to.
2. If you have a career already, but want to perform better
Real Colors can really help you perform better on a team by providing better awareness of your and others’ communication styles. By acknowledging we each have all four colors and by being aware of the different strengths of each color, you can work more effectively on a team or group.
3. If you want more effective communication at work
By being aware of other people’s Color Spectrum, communication becomes more effective.
4. If you have an upcoming job interview
Being able to succinctly communicate your unique strengths and weaknesses in an interview will clearly shows the interviewer how (or if!) you will fit into his/her established team. Thinking in “colors” as you answer and ask questions will also help you stand out among other applicants.