Virtual Instrument FAQs for Certified Facilitators

General Questions

Is the Virtual Instrument mobile friendly?

No, it is not mobile friendly. On a mobile device it is difficult to see the full picture and text cards.

If a participant attempts to take the Virtual Instrument on a mobile device (or on a desktop and has their browser window too small), they will receive this message:

Does the Virtual Instrument work on all browsers?

The Real Colors Virtual Instrument is supported on all modern browsers – Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge are the most commonly used. 

The Real Colors Virtual Instrument is not supported on Internet Explorer.

What are the terms and conditions you must agree to before taking the virtual instrument?

You can view the Real Colors Virtual Instrument Terms and Conditions here.

Why are participants required to create an account on

The only way for participants who take the virtual instrument to access the wonderful resources available at the back of the paper Real Colors instrument is by logging in to to access them digitally.

Creating an account is required to see these resources.

Do you recommend our participants use their personal email address or their company email address?

This is a personal choice for your organization. At any time, a participant can log in to and change their account information.

What happens if I take the Virtual Instrument more than one time?

When a person take the Virtual Instrument multiple times, the most recent results are displayed in the participant’s dashboard on

If a participant, or facilitator, wants to access the participant’s original results, those are still associated with the access code in the facilitator’s account who originally assigned the access code. The system does not override these results, so participant results associated with a specific access code are always available on the facilitator’s Virtual Instrument Management System screen.

Access Code Management

Can I bulk upload a group of participants so I don't have to enter names and email address one at a time?

Absolutely! Use the “Bulk Upload Participant Info” button on the Virtual Instrument Management System. 

Access this video to see how easy it is!

I have a lot of codes; how do I sort them?

Sorting Participant Information can be done two ways. 

You can use the highlighted portions directly on the Virtual Instrument Management System. 

Or, view this video to see how to export a CSV file to sort with more detail!

How are duplicates managed?

Duplicates are not managed by the system. If you have entered duplicates, the best way to manage them is by using the system CSV file to find the duplicates and then manually editing them in the system. If you are using Excel, this tutorial will walk you through finding duplicates. If you are using Google Sheets, this tutorial will help. Note: Changes made in the CSV file will not be updated in the system. The CSV will help you find the duplicates, but the edits must be made in the system itself.

Can I transfer my access codes to another facilitator?

The system does not allow for this at the present time.

What do the different Status fields on the Virtual Instrument Management System mean?

Do you have questions about what the different Status options mean on the Virtual Instrument Management System? If so, this video has the answers you need.

I'm having trouble formatting the date.

If you are using an older version of Excel it may not include the YYYY-MM-DD option. You can follow the steps in this article to remedy this issue. If you have the correct format, but notice that it reverts back when you re-open the file, do not fear! If you save and close the CSV file with the correct format showing it will upload correctly into the management system.  

Access Codes: Communication With Participants

When I choose 'SEND EMAIL' to send the access code to my participants, the email does not open and auto populate the message containing the access code. What do I do?

First, please test the following links:
Email 1: A basic email link example
Email 2: An e-mail link that specifies both a subject and a body

If you are unable to open these, it is likely your computer does not have a correctly configured mail client to open “mailto:” links.

Please reference this article on how to change your browser’s default email client.

If you are still having issues consider doing your own search on Google with the following format “How to make [YOUR EMAIL CLIENT] my email client in [YOUR BROWSER]?” For example, “How to make gmail my email client in Chrome”.

In the event that your default email client is configured with an old or non-functioning email account, you can also fix this by following the aforementioned steps.

When I choose 'SEND EMAIL' to send the access code to my participants, an unwanted or non-functioning email account is opened by default. How can I fix this?

If this is the case, your computer is not correctly configured to open your desired email address and/or email client.

Please reference this article on how to change your browser’s default email client.

If you are still having issues consider doing your own search on Google with the following format “How to make [YOUR EMAIL CLIENT] my email client in [YOUR BROWSER]?” For example, “How to make gmail my email client in Chrome”.

When I choose 'SEND EMAIL' to send the access code to my participants, nothing happens. How can I fix this?

If nothing happens when clicking “SEND EMAIL” (or your screen flashes white and still nothing happens), it is likely that a character limit has been reached.

To generate these emails that auto-populate into your default email client. we are using a mailto: link. With this method there is a limit on how long your message can be which is dependent on your browser and email client. We have specially crafted the email to put you safely under that character limit threshold.

However, in cases where you have entered in a lengthy workshop name or your participant has a longer than average email address, it is possible for this character limit to be reached.

To fix this, we advise reducing your your workshop name to a single character (or trying a shorter name), saving, and then attempting to send the email again. You can manually type your workshop name into the auto-populated email once it appears.

Once the email has been sent you are free to change the name of the workshop back to your desired title or leave it as is. The name of your workshop eventually shows on the virtual instrument results page and on the PDF certificate that can be sent to your participant. If you are still having issues, you can try with a different browser or try changing your default email client. Reference the first two FAQs in this category for help with that.

If you are still having problems, view this video

The emails I sent came back as undeliverable. I know I entered the email addresses correctly. How do I fix this?

First, check to make sure when you copied and pasted the email address that your system didn’t add a mailto: prefix in front of an email address.
For example, some systems will change “” to “” when it is cut and pasted. This will likely generate an undeliverable email.

I want to update the name and date of my upcoming workshop, but some of my participants have already started their Virtual Instrument?

You can update the Name, Workshop, and Date fields at any time. If a participant has completed the Virtual Instrument, you will no longer be able to update the Email field.

I have entered in a the participants information, but there is no SEND EMAIL button. How can I fix this?

All fields, including the training name and date, must be filled in and saved before the email can be generated and send. Please make sure that there are no empty fields and that you have saved.

If you are still having problems, view this video.

A participant never started the Real Colors Virtual Instrument. Can I use the access code for another participant?

Absolutely! If a participant never started the virtual instrument (indicated by their status showing as “In Progress”), you can simply enter a new name and email address and update the workshop information. Once you make the update and save, choose “Send Email” to send the access code to the new participant.

Does the system send automatic emails to people who have not completed their Virtual Instrument?

The system does not send automatic emails. It was our goal for the Certified Real Colors Facilitator to be in control of how and when communication is sent.

When my participant clicks on the access code, he/she is directed to the Real Colors homepage, not the Virtual Instrument. How do I help him/her?

Please have your participant do a hard refresh.

Hard refresh shortcuts:
PC – Ctrl + F5
Mac – Cmd + Shift + R

If that doesn’t work, ask them to copy the link into an incognito window where cached setting are not stored.

I want to send a customized email to my participants. Is there an easy way to do this?

The auto-populated email that is generated with the “SEND EMAIL” button is a simple solution, but if you are looking to customize the email you send to your participants, using Mail Merge is a simple, easy way to do this. This video will show you how to customize your Virtual Instrument email.

After the Virtual Instrument is Complete

After completing the Virtual Instrument, what information does the participant receive?

The participant will see a screen like this example when they complete the Virtual Instrument. They will be reminded of the facilitator’s name, facilitators email address, and will be reminded of their upcoming Real Colors workshop date. They will also be directed to login to after their workshop to see their Color Spectrum and to access additional resources.

I chose 'RELEASE SCORES.' Should something else happen?

Releasing the scores to your participants is as simple as clicking the button! Your participants can now log in to to see their personalized dashboard with their Color Spectrum and additional resources.

View this video to learn more about releasing a single set of scores or how to bulk release a group of scores.

How does a participant retrieve their password?

If a participant needs to reset their password, they simply choose the “Lost your password?” link on the Login screen and follow the steps to reset their password.

Or, they can go here to reset their password at any time.

Is there an easy way to see all my participant's scores?

Yes! If you download the CSV file, all your participant’s Color Spectrum information is there.

View this video to see how to sort the data to make your job as a Certified Facilitator easier!

Additional Participant Resources on Dashboard

Our employees previously used the paper Real Colors instrument that had additional resources in the back of the booklet. How can I get them this material?

Once you have released your participants’ scores, they can log in to to access their scores and receive these additional resources. All the resources are available to them digitally on their dashboard, and they are mobile friendly.

Can I print or have a copy of the resources available to participants on their dashboard after their scores are released?

The digital resources available to individuals on their dashboard are view-only. We do not make them available for download or printing.

One wonderful thing about the resources is they are mobile-friendly, so they are easily accessible!

Do participants scores automatically populate at so they can print their personalized license plate without having to enter their scores?

The scores of participants do not automatically populate into However, once the participant has completed the virtual instrument the system now knows your colors. When accessing, the participant will automatically be taken to their matching primary color landing page and will not have to enter in a primary and secondary color to enter

Purchasing Questions

I also want my participants to have a paper copy of the Real Colors instrument. Is there a discount if I purchase both a virtual and paper instrument?

The paper and virtual Real Colors instruments are two separate products. There are bulk discounts when you purchase multiple paper OR multiple virtual instruments, but no combination discounts. Contact us at for more information on bulk purchases.

Why is the system charging taxes since we are exempt?

Taxes are done on a local basis. Please have the person send his/her tax exempt form to

I bought too many Virtual Instrument access codes, can I return them?

No, unused Virtual Instrument access codes are not returnable.

Have further questions? Contact us and we’ll get back with your shortly!